Fashion SocietyComment


Fashion SocietyComment

From left to right: Lauren Wood, Alakhonya Anzala, Maisie Moss, Holly Turner, Becca Simpson.

Our theme for this October editorial was Y2K as it ties in with the theme for our annual fashion show of 23’ so we thought what better way to tease it then this? The theme is coming soon.. Be patient! Everyone loves Y2k am I right?

We shot in Ouseburn, the over the top graffiti combined with the y2k styling really emphasised how glamorous and iconic our committee truly is.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did producing it!

First half of the committee - (Left to Right) Holly Turner (Vice President), Alakhonya Anzala (Fashion Show Manager), Maisie Moss (Welfare Officer), Lauren Wood (Head of Fashion Outreach), Jade Spencer (Multimedia Director), Becca Simpson (Fashion Director).

From Left to Right - Tom Lucock (President), Phoebe Watts (Secretary and Social Secretary), Inderpal Singh (Treasurer).

Left - Emily Guillard (Editorial Director).

President - Tom Lucock

Vice President - Holly Turner

Secretary and Social Secretary - Phoebe Watts

Fashion Director - Becca Simpson

Treasurer - Inderpal Singh

Editorial Director - Emily Guillard.

Welfare Officer - Maisie Moss

Fashion Show Manager - Alakhonya Anzala

Head of Fashion Outreach - Lauren Wood

Multimedia Director - Jade Spencer

We hope you enjoyed this shoot, it was so fun making it and our editorial director @emilyyy.315 did such a good job! Especially with the editing it really captures the true Y2K feel.

Stay tuned for Novembers editorial - NUFS x

Makeup credit: Flo Bennett, Sam McManus

Photography: Emily Guillard

Fashion Committee:

President - Tom Lucock

Vice President - Holly Turner

Secretary and Social Secretary - Phoebe Watts

Fashion Show Manager - Alakhonya Anzala

Fashion Director - Becca Simpson

Treasurer - Inderpal Singh

Multimedia Director - Jade Spencer

Head of Fashion Outreach - Lauren Wood

Welfare Officer - Maisie Moss

Editorial Director - Emily Guillard

Modelling Director - Carly Horne

Blogging Director - Tavishi Sharma